
Circus Bazaar

A short history of Circus Bazaar. We sprang from the naive digital soil of 2013, as a platform for various forms of political activism and participation in political debate (later to be known as the Freak Show).
However, it was with the tears of a clown, and the broken jaw of a journeyman boxer, that we realised that although we were giving many a welcome soul a
ticket, the money box remained empty. It was here that the concept of Circus Bazaar as a vocation was born. The plan was simple: Open the Big Top to all who
wanted to share in what we were doing. To quote many a prize fighter, `Anyone who wants it can get it¿

Circus Bazaar
Magazine article number0587
Magazine issue202302
Magazine relese date17.10.2023
Magazine last date09.01.2024
Price Sweden169.00 kr
Price Norway169.00 kr
Released2 time per yeas

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