
Classic Yachts

Classic Yachts is the must-read publication for admirers of the most stunning boats afloat. Detailing some of the most sumptuous restorations of recent years, this lavish bookazine will be a visual feast. We will reveal the incredible stories behind the finest yachts on the water: stories of abandonment and rediscovery, stories of passion and ancient skills kept alive. We delve deep into the history and we share the secrets of traditional shipwrights today as they recreate the magic of yesteryear. It’s going to be a journey like no other.

Classic Yachts
Magazine article number5162
Magazine issue202401
Magazine relese date18.09.2024
Magazine last date13.11.2024
Price Sweden245.00 kr
Price Norway289.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released1 time per yeas

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