
Discover Britain

Discover Britain, formerly Heritage magazine is the leading British history and travel magazine. Tea, castles, countryside, pubs, architecture, history and of course our beloved queen¿ It¿s all in Discover Britain magazine. It¿s crammed full with interesting historical facts and articles, some cracking photography of those people and places which have shaped the nation of Britain along with plenty of crosswords and quizzes. There are interviews with everyone from sailors to shepherds, architects and enthusiasts, along with profiles on British celebrities and all of our favourite triumphs, such as Stonehenge, the HMS Victory, Canterbury Cathedral and many more.

Discover Britain
Magazine article number3177
Magazine issue202503
Magazine relese date29.01.2025
Magazine last date05.03.2025
Price Sweden189.00 kr
Price Norway225.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released6 time per yeas

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