
Fistful of Metal

Fistful of Metal is the essential new bible, dedicated to the world¿s biggest music substructure, Heavy Metal! Packed with in depth interviews, reviews and features on all things metallic and heavy, this new magazine is dedicated to the unique musical tribe that has existed for 50 years! From the originators of it all, Black Sabbath, through the heavy rock juggernaut that Is Motörhead and beyond, we¿ll be covering all the heavy hitters, both old and new. So if you are hell bent for leather, for old school or NWOBHM, metal thrashing mad for speed, death and thrash, maybe you prefer the sweet leaf of stoner and doom, or you¿re just bad to the bone for power and symphonic; if the power of the riff compels you, then we¿ve got you back.

Fistful of Metal
Magazine article number5062
Magazine issue202501
Magazine relese date26.02.2025
Magazine last date23.04.2025
Price Sweden179.00 kr
Price Norway209.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released4 time per yeas

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