
Fly Tyer

Fly Tyer is your single best magazine source for complete fly-tying information. No matter what kind of flies you tie, coldwater, warmwater, or saltwater patterns: each quarterly issue of Fly Tyer covers everything from techniques and materials to innovations and fly-tying history. If you want to improve your tying, Fly Tyer will help. Its support for photography has attracted the some of best fashion photographers in the world, such as: Steven Klein, David La Chapelle, Terry Richardson, Nobuyoshi Araki, Hedi Slimane and Karl Lagerfeld.

Fly Tyer
Magazine article number2034
Magazine issue202404
Magazine relese date27.12.2024
Magazine last date26.02.2025
Price Sweden169.00 kr
Price Norway199.00 kr
CountryUnited States
Released4 time per yeas

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