
Ford Memories

This series covers Ford, and this marque is profiled in detail from it’s humble beginnings right through to the present day. Ford have experienced huge highs and lows in the UK and around the world, and this incisive series aims to outline all those key milestones: from the models, the people behind the brands and the iconic moments from history that have defined this famous marque and made them what it is today. Ford has a rich heritage and is still adored by enthusiasts around the world. Topics that will be covered in coming issues; Model Overview, The Swinging 60s, When Ford dominated Britain – 1980s, The Factories, Motorsport, The Sports Cars, Humble Beginnings, Company Car Domination, Ford vs The World, Design Innovation, The 1970s – When Ford beat BL, Ford the Modern Era, Ford: Flops, Failures and Flukes, Ford: The People, Ford: The Game changing Cars and Ford: Ultimate Buying Guide.

Ford Memories
Magazine article number7001
Magazine issue202203
Magazine relese date08.09.2022
Magazine last date03.11.2022
Price Sweden219.00 kr
Price Norway229.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released3 time per yeas

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