
German Fighters WWII

German Fighters of World War II is a highly illustrated guide to the most important fighters used by the Luftwaffe during the Second World War, arranged by aircraft type. It features such classics as the Messerschmitt Me 109 and Me 110, the Focke-Wulf Fw190, as well as curiosities such as the AradoAr68F-1, Henschel Hs 123 and Heinkel He 51B biplanes. The wonderful special 144 page product is Packed with 110 full-colour artworks, German Fighter Aircraft of World War II is a must-have for World War II and aviation enthusiasts.

German Fighters WWII
Magazine article number5921
Magazine issue202301
Magazine relese date19.01.2023
Magazine last date16.03.2023
Price Sweden249.00 kr
Price Norway295.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released1 time per yeas

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