
Horse & Rider (Uk)

It is at the forefront of the move towards classical riding and promotes more humane, natural methods of keeping and caring for horses.

H&R uses leading experts to produce in-depth articles on their specialist subjects. The complete horse magazine.

You ll find the very best advice in Horse&Rider. Packed full of informative features from top equestrian experts, it s the perfect magazine for the dedicated rider who wants to improve their riding skills and horse knowledge. Covering all aspects of equestrianism in depth, Horse&Rider actively promotes classical riding principles and humane horse care.

Horse & Rider (Uk)
Magazine article number3874
Magazine issue202504
Magazine relese date26.02.2025
Magazine last date02.04.2025
Price Sweden139.00 kr
Price Norway159.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released12 time per yeas

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