
King Charles Coronatio

Having been one of the leading publishers of Royal specials in 2022 with a Jubilee
edition and an Annual year in review as well as Commemorative issue for the
Queen¿s passing, Anthem will be publishing a special issue ahead of King Charles¿s
As well as covering Charles¿s journey through life to ultimately ascend to the throne
and how he¿s embraced the new role, the issue will describe what readers should
expect on the big day, with looks back to prior coronations in the past century. It
will be an essential collector¿s item for all royal fans.

King Charles Coronatio
Magazine article number0405
Magazine issue202301
Magazine relese date02.03.2023
Magazine last date27.04.2023
Price Sweden229.00 kr
Price Norway269.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released1 time per yeas

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