
Mens Fitness Guide

Men¿s Fitness Guides is curated by the Men¿s Fitness team to help our audience achieve very specific goals, whether that be around overall fitness, strengthening specific body parts and muscles or creating the best workout for them whether that be in the gym or at home. There has been a move away from sport, and into fitness in the last few years. Men¿s Fitness has tested bookazine products in the consumer market and we have selected our Top 6 topics for the first 6 months of Men¿s Fitness Guides:

1. Complete Guide to Dumb-bell Training
2. 12 Meals That Make Muscle
3. 8 Week Body Plan
4. Complete Training Guide
5. Workout Manual
6. Ultimate Guide to Fat Loss

Mens Fitness Guide
Magazine article number5262
Magazine issue202403
Magazine relese date05.03.2024
Magazine last date09.04.2024
Price Sweden195.00 kr
Price Norway229.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released12 time per yeas

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