
Model Car T & MC World

A brand-new modelling magazine from the publishers of
Scale aircraft Modelling and Military Modelcraft, Guideline
Publications, bring you Model Car & Motorcycle World.
Building on their extensive experience of the modelling scene
they aim to bring you all you could want in the way of model
automobiles and motorcycles, from kits of all types to diecast
collectables and all sorts of diversions in between.
They will look to cater for all tastes, from formula one and
motoGP to daily drives and rides, Rally to Motocross, Cruisers
and Customs.

Model Car T & MC World
Magazine article number0033
Magazine issue202402
Magazine relese date11.04.2024
Magazine last date15.05.2024
Price Sweden385.00 kr
Price Norway389.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released6 time per yeas

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