
Recoil Pres Offgrid

OFFGRID takes a fresh look at emergency-related scenarios from the URBAN/CITY dweller’s point of view.
We speak to experts about what to do to stay alive and how. Plus, we feature products, equipment, and supplies that all urbanites should use.
Topics covered include survival gear, food preparation, and much more.
OFFGRID is here to help you stay one step ahead of the unexpected.
We provide in-depth education on topics ranging from personal protection and travel security,
to sustainable living and austere-environment medicine, as well as the first-looks and thorough tests of the latest survival and safety gear.
Get all this, compiled in one publication, delivered direct to your doorstep.

Recoil Pres Offgrid
Magazine article number5761
Magazine issue202502
Magazine relese date05.02.2025
Magazine last date12.03.2025
Price Sweden279.00 kr
Price Norway329.00 kr
CountryUnited States
Released6 time per yeas

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