
Hot Wheels (UK)

Hot Wheels Magazine is a magazine packed with themed activities around the action and excitement of the hot wheels brand including games, crafts, posters and stories. Each issue comes with hot wheels stickers and an interactive car- themed set.

Hot Wheels Magazine is for kids of all ages who are totally into hot wheels cars and everything else Hot Wheels. It includes articles on new products, car design, and car collecting, which are sure to appeal to the kids this magazine is targeting.

Frau Im Spiegel

A German weekly magazine for women. It reports about European royalty and other celebrities, including gossip and scandals. Other regular topics are health, make-up tips, fashion and travel.


Jaktmarker & Fiskevatten är tidningen för jägaren som också sportfiskar. Den innehåller jakt- och fiskereportage från hela landet.
Även konsumentupplysning, hundar, viltvård och mat.

Norsk Shakespeare tids

Norsk Shakespeare- og teatertidsskrift har tilhold i Litteraturhuset i Oslo, Therese Bjørneboe er redaktør. Scenekunst i videste forstand er, som man forstår, bladets innhold. “Og for ein gongs skuld: Vii har faktisk eit av Europas beste teatertidsskrift”, sier Jon Fosse.


Friluftsmagasin for det brede lag av folket. Naturreportasjer med flotte fargefotos, reisebeskrivelser og turtips, tester av utstyr for fjell, villmark og sjø. Et must for friluftsmennesket.

Mercedes Enthusiast

The only magazine in the shops that s 100% pure Mercedes! MERCEDES ENTHUSIAST is a completely independent magazine, so it s expert writers are free to say what they think and MERCEDES ENTHUSIAST doesn t pull its punches in tests and reviews of Mercedes cars; new, used and classic. With the best writers, finest photography and superb design, MERCEDES ENTHUSIAST covers the world of Mercedes with style and wit. Monthly.

Medicinsk Vetenskap

Medicinsk Vetenskap är ett populärvetenskapligt magasin från Karolinska Institutet. Här kan du läsa om det allra senaste inom medicinsk forskning. Följ med ut i forskningens vardag, träffa framstående forskare och läs populärvetenskapliga texter om allt från celler och molekyler till de senaste framstegen när det gäller de vanliga folksjukdomarna.

Just Cross Stitch

Just Cross Stick delivers an electric mix of design for serious-art hobbyists, whether they are long-term, advanced stitcher¿s or newcomers attracted by popular embroidery social media. Don’t be fooled by the title, as our designs intermingle traditional cross stitch with popular embroidery genres like Hardanger and blackwork. Just Cross Stich is a unique resource for stitcher¿s of all experience levels who want artistically crafted patterns from world-class designers, whether the projects are historic reproduction samplers or whimsical holiday ornaments.

Hoffman Home & Decorat

As the season of comfort and joj approaches, let your destive flair be inspired by this magazine.

Dj Mag

DJ Mags quarterly editions will be a high-quality essential read for dance music fans across the world. Each quarterly edition will feature three cover stars, allowing us to celebrate more artists, extend our shelf-life to three months, and make each edition highly-collectible and in-demand. To maintain the monthly DJ Mag coverstar conversation the dance music world is so familiar with, each coverstar will receive their own monthly digital rollout across DJ Mag channels during the shelf life of their quarterly edition.