
Nordic Homes

Nordic Homes, a new brand for lovers of contemporary Nordic interiors and lifestyle¿with a Finnish twist! A bookazine from Finland¿s leading interiors content publisher. Nordic Homes is dedicated to celebrating contemporary Nordic interior design and living from a Finnish perspective, with personality and a unique style found nowhere else in the world. Other Nordic interior and lifestyle publications (concentrate on international homes or homes from Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

Hoffman Home & Decorat

As the season of comfort and joj approaches, let your destive flair be inspired by this magazine.

Collective Snowboardin

CollectiveMag is your ultimate companion to the world of snowboarding. Our goal is to provide snowboarders of all levels – from beginners to pros – with the latest trends, techniques, and equipment. We offer exclusive insights, interviews, and advice articles to help you improve your snowboarding experience.

Frau Im Spiegel

A German weekly magazine for women. It reports about European royalty and other celebrities, including gossip and scandals. Other regular topics are health, make-up tips, fashion and travel.

Jeger Hund og Våpen

Jaktglede hele året! Med 11 utgivelser i året er Jeger Norges største jaktblad og det største varemerket spesialisert for jakt i Norge. Bladet følger de ulike jaktsesongene og gir deg de beste jakttipsene før sesongen starter for fullt. Dette gjør at du lykkes bedre i din jaktutøvelse, både når det gjelder riktig utstyr, naturopplevelser og selvsagt i form av felt vilt.

The Economist

Internasjonalt nyhetsmagasin som er berømt for sine objektive, klare, seriøse og kommenterende reportasjer om politikk, økonomi, finans, teknologi, kunst, litteratur og sport. Ofte referert til i dagspressen.

Medicinsk Vetenskap

Medicinsk Vetenskap är ett populärvetenskapligt magasin från Karolinska Institutet. Här kan du läsa om det allra senaste inom medicinsk forskning. Följ med ut i forskningens vardag, träffa framstående forskare och läs populärvetenskapliga texter om allt från celler och molekyler till de senaste framstegen när det gäller de vanliga folksjukdomarna.

Der Spiegel

Der Spiegel is one of the two largest-circulation news magazines published in Germany. Der Spiegel is Germany s oldest news magazine, founded in 1946 as an obvious imitation of America s TIME and NEWSWEEK magazines.


TIME is a magazine known for its significant features. The editorial office is the world s biggest, and employs many of the very best journalists and photographers. TIME are both quality, easy availability and relevance at the same time. A good tip is to read TIME as a supplement to your daily newspaper, to get more in-depth international reporting.

Atlantic The

A fast paced magazine with features by leading writers on issues ranging from politics, the universe, education and health, to the law, sports and romance. Stimulating book reviews and articles on the home, food, travel and music will stimulate your senses. Monthly.