
Superpack Frost

Paw Patrol

The Economist

The Economist is just as much about politics and society as it is about the economy. The most important political events on every continent are discussed and put into perspective. The magazine is often provocative – you should be prepared that it is not afraid to take sides. In addition, it often has an undertone of British dry sense of humor.

Luovasti langoilla

Finskt stickmagasin med mönster för mössor, handskar och halsdukar. Handledningen innehåller också instruktioner för nybörjare.

Knitter (DE)

The Knitter, magasin för kreativ stickning.

Uhren Exclusiv

The magazine for everybody who loves watches.

Verena Stricken

Verena Stricken sees itself as a trendsetter with the aim of presenting the current fashions. A creative magazine for women – women with a consuming hobby: creating your own fashions. 4 times a year.

Megatrend LEGO Minecraft


Båtklassiker är en tidskrift med fokus på båtkulturen i Sverige och övriga Norden. I tre fullmatade nummer per år, varav ett dubbelnummer, skriver vi om klassiska båtar i olika former. Vi berättar om personer och regattor som blivit legendariska, vi besöker båtbyggerier och museer, gör internationella utblickar och fördjupar oss i spännande detaljer. Båtklassiker görs för dig som älskar öppet vatten och vackra båtar och vill värna vårt flytande kulturarv.


Every edition of ELEKTOR MAGAZINE is filled with up-to-date news and views, real-world lab tests, and high-quality DIY construction projects. You can rely on our practical electronics magazine for solutions and insights to all your electronics challenges. Moreover, we have the latest news about electronics, exciting technical reviews, and articles. On our Elektor.TV YouTube channel, you can access a wide range of videos ¿ from interviews to reviews ¿ made by us. And if you want to learn about next-generation technologies and essential engineering techniques, you can always attend our interactive webinars. In addition to our engineers, we encourage our members to participate in Elektor Labs, an online platform for sharing electronics projects and collaborating with innovators.