
Ancient History

Ancient History magazine offers a detailed look into the lives of peoples and civilisations of the ancient world. Not content to paint broad brush strokes or focus solely on well known historical events. Each issue, released bi-monthly, promises to show via in-depth articles and fantastic colour imagery the cultures of the ancient world and their hitherto less-well-known aspects.


A completely NEW magazine about luxury modern
domestic architecture and design. Created for people who like to dream about the space around them and aspire to a better way of living. This magazine is unique because there are no other architectural magazines in the glossy sector aimed at the design conscious consumer.

Daphnes Diary

A magazine full of inspiration and style. Interiors, Gardens, vintage, workshops, recipes, trips & travel, shopping…


Europe s largest motorhome Journal addresses the specific needs of mobile home owners. The main focus of the magazine are competent integration of vehicle testing, authentic reports, travel, and practical tips of great practical value.

War at sea Submarines

A bookazine focussing on warships across the world.


Each issue will focus on wellbeing, mindfulness, creativity. It aspires to offer the reader real, practical, tangible ways to claim back time in their lives – fun, varied and inspiring strategies big and small for a saner and gentler paced lifestyle.


Blocks is a magazine aimed at adult Lego fans. Lega has never been more popular and the adult collecting, building and customising is a key part of the scene.

Odalisque Magazine

Odalisque seeks to challenge, question, and pay tribute to the objectified human body. Showcasing fashion, photography and visual arts that involve and engage the viewer, Odalisque presents artistic and eccentric imagery and prose, and raises questions regarding neutrality and confrontation. Odalisque offers provocative social critique, valuing culture over commerce, and inspired collaborations with new talents and established artists.

London Guide

This definitive guide to Britain¿s capital city is packed with 164 pages on the best attractions, historic landmarks, royal palaces and theatres and galleries. Let us help you get the most out of your visit, from practical advice on what to see, where to stay, where to dine and fascinating insights into the London¿s history and its origins to the iconic Tube network to the Tower of London and where you can still find traces of the city Shakespeare would have known.

GQ & Vanity Fair pack

2 for 1 – value pack som inkluderer Vanity Fair & Conde Nast Traveller.