
Scotland Magazine

Whether you are Scottish, of Scottish descent or simply love Scotland, this magazine is for you: it will develop and grow. What does Scotland mean to you? Countryside and castles? History and heritage? Golf and fishing? Or even whisky and haggis? Of course, Scotland is all these things. But it is also a country which, through its cultural reach, has a global significance that far exceeds its geographical size. That a nation of some five million has made, and continues to make such an impression on the world stage is remarkable. To put it into perspective, that s about half the population of Belgium and, as the popular bar game has it, can you name 10 famous Belgians?

Equally remarkable is the breadth of achievement: from engineering to literature via medicine to, the true zeitgeist of modern culture, Hollywood, Scotland has exerted considerable influence. Scotland Magazine intends to reflect and celebrate all these aspects with the objectivity that is only possible by being published outside Scotland. It will feature a regular news section and pages highlighting antiques and property. Bi-monthly

Scotland Magazine
Magazine article number7800
Magazine issue202502
Magazine relese date27.12.2024
Magazine last date29.01.2025
Price Sweden149.00 kr
Price Norway175.00 kr
CountryUnited kingdom
Released6 time per yeas

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