
Willow and Sage

Willow and Sage magazine is filled with more than 70 unique recipes, uses, and beautiful packaging ideas for homemade bath and body products. In addition to showcasing natural bath salts and soaks, soaps, face masks, chemical-free makeup, lotions, sugar scrubs, essential oils, and more, Willow and Sage features 144 pages of refreshing layout designs, hand-illustrated infographics, educational information and tips, and the benefits of specific ingredients. If you¿re looking for the perfect homemade gift idea for any occasion, each issue provides DIY inspiration for creative packaging and the most unique gifts and spa bundles.

Willow and Sage
Magazine article number0123
Magazine issue202302
Magazine relese date13.06.2023
Magazine last date08.08.2023
Price Sweden299.00 kr
Price Norway349.00 kr
CountryUnited States
Released4 time per yeas

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