

The world s leading movie magazine, bringing you breaking movie news, film and DVD reviews, celebrity interviews, competitions and more.The number one movie magazine for movie goers! An indispensable monthly guide to films boasting an extensive reviews section covering new releases, plus exclusive star interviews and news.

Real Crime

From the notorious serial killers of the Age of Aquarius to the ruthless mob bosses of the Jazz Age and beyond, Real Crime is the first high quality true crime magazine on the newsstand. Every issue of Real Crime reveals the untold stories behind the world¿s most gripping cases, the breathtaking experiences of investigators and survivors, and blow-by-blow accounts of how lawbreakers were finally brought to justice.

Le Point

A french newspaper in it s prime time, 22 years. Created in three different sections: a summary of the week through short articles, newspaper pages and folders, practical life and leisure. This is an undoubted success!


Båtliv er landets raskest voksende motorbåtblad med inspirerende reportasjer, nyttige tips og nyheter for deg som er interessert i motorbåter. Du finner båttester, turtips og praktiske råd og vink til hvordan du kan holde båten fin og få et godt båtliv med familien.

Lindys Pro Basketball

NBA basket


Portal startades 2022 genom Seriefrämjandet, med fokus på fantastik, sci-fi, fantasy och skräck! I varje nummer presenteras ett urval av de bästa nya serierna av både nya och etablerade serieskapare. Portal är även en tidning där medverkande coachas av redaktören och serieskaparen Adrian Malmgren, med målet att ta fram det allra bästa ur varje berättelse. I Portal ska du som läsare kunna upptäcka morgondagens serier!
Det som gör att Portal sticker ut är att den är skapad av serieskapare för serieälskare, och lyfter genrer som inte är mainstream på den svenska seriemarknaden samtidigt som den levererar fantastik med internationell kvalité.

Score Special DVD

The best from the Score adult magazine portfolio. Featuring old, young, big, small and only the best women in the world.

New Scientist

New Scientist is the premier, news breaking weekly covering, in a non-specialized way, the fields of science and technology. It has a high reputation for accurate, intelligent and up to date comments & reports that affect our lives. Weekly.

Lets Colour

Relax, unwind and destress with this brand-new series of art therapy titles. With themed issues each month – and printed on high-quality paper – the Let’s Colour series brings stunning artwork for the reader to colour and get creative. Perfect for people looking to switch off from their screens and treat themselves to some ”me time”, not only does the reader get to enjoy the time and relax, but also show-off their fantastic creations at the end.


This magazine is dedicated to the preservation of Old Frontier Living, primitive hunting and fishing, tool and weapon lore, and wilderness survival.