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Pets dbn
Tidningen för alla unga djurälskare! Pets är fylld av lärorik, rolig och spännande djurläsning om hund, katt men även andra djur tama som vilda. Tidningen lyfter intressant fakta om olika djur och aktuella ämnen, roliga nyheter och tips om hur du tar hand om och respekterar djur. Dekorera rummet med söta posters och gör pyssel och roliga tester. Uppmuntrar till lärande och att ta hand om både djur och natur. Skapad av djurälskare för djurälskare.
News and pictures from the world of celebrity, royalty, entertainment, film and music; fashion trends and videos; health and beauty; celebrity profiles.Renowned for its superb photo-features, and its ability to secure exclusive access to the social elite, HELLO! has been capturing key moments in celebrities lives ever since it was launched more than 20 years ago. Each issue is rich mix of articles and interviews from around the world balanced by a series of regular practical features designed to appeal to every type of reader.
Elle (FR)
Elle is in a hundred countries in thirty different editions. With iconic brand Elle seduces all generations of women. Elle keeps current on all fields: political, cultural (books, film, theater, music), and of course fashion and beauty. We predict future trends, write about artists, stars, and give practical advice to facilitate the daily life of women.
If you re the kind of person who wants the best and the latest in entertainment news, gossip, reviews and listings, then HEAT is for you.
Heat is a sensational, totally new entertainment guide and is the only weekly magazine of its type. Condensing all the hot entertainment news into bite sized chunks. Every week Heat gives you the latest news, features and trivia about the people who entertain you. Plus honest, entertaining reviews of the most important movies, TV, videos and CD releases. Includes weekly TV guide.
The Spectator
Every week The Spectator is packed with insightful opinion, commentary and analysis about current affairs, politics, the arts, books, and the big issues of the moment. The Spectator is incisive, informative and irreverent on a whole range of subjects from politics to the arts. You ll read regular columnists who delight, provoke, amuse and sometimes infuriate, the funniest cartoons in print, and editorial features of incredible breadth and depth. It¿s a weekly delight for anyone who loves good writing, contentious opinions and hard-hitting comment.
Point De Vue
Point De Vue is a French magazine that comes out every week and is about happy families, royal family, marriage and travel. Point De Vue has a harmonious balance between intriguing stories and beautiful pictures, but prohibits any skandalpublisering.The magazine also includes topics related to art, culture, spa, fashion and beauty.
Tidning om tåg och järnvägar som vänder sig både till den som har det som yrke eller intresse.
Skriver även om kollektivtrafik, resor och modelltåg.
Pokémon Officiellt Magasin är den ultimata tidningen för alla Pokémon Fans. Djupdyk i Pokémons rafflande värld med Ash och Pikachu. Vi skriver om det senaste inom spelen, korten och filmerna. Tidningen innehåller också mängder av roliga Pokémon-pyssel och fullmatade sidor med Pokémon fakta. I minst hälften av utgåvorna medföljer Pokémon kort, i övriga utgåvor skickar vi med en Pokémon-överraskning.
Vogue (IT)
Vogue Italia is the Italian edition of Vogue magazine. Owned by Condé Nast International, it is the least commercial of all editions of Vogue magazine and has been called the top fashion magazine in the world. Its imagery is frequently shocking and provocative according to the art director of British Vogue, its photographs go beyond straight fashion to be about art and ideas
Cucina Italiana
The No 1 authority on Italian food and living.