
Coding with Scratch

Coding with Scratch ¿ Create Awesome Platform Games shows kids how to create amazing platform games with Scratch. They will learn how to: Use code to make a series of games where sprites leap from platform to platform, Design different levels, draw graphics, and make simple animations, Use variables to keep the score and to simulate gravity in games, Make code blocks and functions, Add sound to bring games to life.

Starting with an introduction about how Scratch works, this book is suitable for beginners but with lots of tips, challenges, and extensions for experienced Scratch coders. To create the games children will need a desktop computer or a laptop. The games require a proper keyboard so will not work well on a tablet or iPad. It is recommended that children should be supervised when using the internet, especially when using a new website.

Coding with Scratch
Art. nr7276
Förs. dag2024-08-07
I butik till2024-10-02
Pris Sverige199.00 kr
Pris Norge235.00 kr
Utkommer1 gånger / år

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