

hi-fi+ is a magazine that is serious about hi-fi. And when we say about hi-fi we mean it. Our articles are intended to help you get the best from your system, rather than simply telling you to buy another one. Our reviews only cover product that we think is worthwhile. You can read more about that by looking at our reviews policy, but lets just say that our attitude to equipment is rather different, and we hope, much more informative. We haven t forgotten that hi-fi is supposed to be fun! You ll also find that major features and loads of reviews on music and musicians, new formats and collectable vinyl. And our music reviews cover older titles as well as new releases. If its good and its out there we ll write about it.

Art. nr7128
Förs. dag2025-02-19
I butik till2025-03-26
Pris Sverige159.00 kr
Pris Norge189.00 kr
Utkommer8 gånger / år

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