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Monocle Compani
Searching for a smart sidekick you’d be happy to take from sunlounger to your suite? Meet the Monocle Companion. Our first ever paperback is packed with fresh perspectives and 50 thoughtful essays on rethinking everything from people’s vocation to vacation, where they’re heading next and how to live well, plus plenty of pleasant surprises. In the inaugural summer instalment our writers offer creative seasonal takes on improving your life, home, city and making the world a better place. This 200-page paperback brings Monocle’s best writers, plus new voices and fiction ¿ into a new format for the first time this summer. As well as longer reads, great journalism and seasonal observations, the writing is accompanied by charming illustrations that bring the stories to life. The first issue is landing in time for high summer and another
follow-up filled with mountain musings and cosy fireside thoughts.
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