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Sport Auto
The young driving pleasure magazine for car enthusiasts with an interest in performance vehicles, sports accessories, tuning and racing scene with background and analysis.
Science et univers
All the news about space, climate, research or new technologies; to understand the latest scientific discoveries, follow space exploration programs, anticipate climate change. Clear and documented records written by scientific experts.
Country Living (Uk)
The country style magazine for those whose heart is in the country – covering homes, gardens, cookery, countryside news & features, health, beauty and fashion. A magazine for men and women who are interested in making their homes and families the focal points in their lives. Features range from home improvement including do-it-yourself projects and decorating to family-oriented topics, such as health care and parenting.
Classic Bike (UK)
The magazine for people who love real motorbikes.
Summer days are here again as we celebrate the favourite machines from your youth. We show you
how much fun they are to ride today, and recall the
excitement they caused then; whether it was getting
90mph out of a 350 AJS on the Exeter bypass, 70 from your brother s fesse or clocking the ton on a fesse. If you believe that bikes shouldn t be put on pedestals and treated as museum pieces, you ll love our evocative pics and authoritative, passionate copy that brings classic motorcycling into the 1990s. Plus we give you straightforward advice on how to buy and run these bikes today, from full-on restoration to simple maintenance.
Vogue (DE)
Vogue is the leading fashion magazine. It is about everything that is trendy and create international demand. The magazine has a fascinating and opulent photo series in perfection. Editorial and interviews on culture, travel, people and fashion. The German edition.
Tattoo Life
The first international tattoo art and culture bi-monthly magazine. It contains interviews with the finest international artists, footages of the main international conventions, news, music, curiosities, artwork, fashion, splendid cover-girls.
Classic Tractor
A wonderful 60 plus full color page monthly magazine featuring classic tractors, prairie monster 4wds, farming operations, tractor restorations of big tractors and the latest farm equipment from Europe and North America. The monthly tractor and machinery magazine from Great Britain.
Tabletop gaming
Written by a team of dedicatet tabletop gamers, Tabletop gaming is a magazine dedicated to this increasingly popular hobby . From familyboard games like King of Tokyo to in-depth wargames like Kings of war or futuristic skirmish titles such as Infinity, we¿re aiming to bring enthusiasts unrivalled coverage, including exclusive interviews, indepth guides and more!
Automobilsport (UK)
Vivre Cote Paris
For the fashion and creation capital city, this cote will compile enthousiasm, energy, willingness to discover and discover again the city of Paris.